Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Sebright Arms, 31-35 Coate Street, www.sebrightarms.co.uk

So after a civil first post, let’s move onto a bit more debauchery. The Sebright Arms on a Friday night is definitely one of the best venues in East London. Located off Hackney road down an inauspicious passageway, it manages to have a local feeling rather than the Megabus from Essex vibe you get from some East boozers on a Friday night. In terms of the atmosphere, it resembles an old man’s rugby club, complete with long red velvet effect seats which should have been refurbed 30 years ago but managed to avoid modernisation's fate and now look the part again.  Plenty of beers and ciders (up to the danger zone 10% mark) allows fussy people who are too good for Carling and ‘Bow to also be happy. To complete, it also has resident food from Lucky Chip burgers, which are arguably, and I am happy to have this argument – the best in London – and also cheap. This place is good, the only criticism I can level against the place is that doesn’t have a late license upstairs but this is merely bitching so I dont look like I work there. Otherwise I could die here. 


  1. nice words on my very favourite pub... - are you on twitter at all?

  2. My Twitter is camssmith, if over 6 people read this will start tweeting from Newmanhackney. One can only dream...
